Tagged: judson and Pudson

New jugs

Not quite finished yet, but here are some of my efforts  from last Sunday morning. These jugs you can see in the picture are I feel getting me back to a point way back last year, when I was exploring the shape and form of my pots. Jugs and their shape are one aspect  that I have explored, also the pulling and attachment of handles. I really like pulling handles, but have struggled with getting the right weight of handle for the pots I have thrown. A good few pots and handles have been sent to the clay bin for one reason and one reason only. They were not right. These jugs are not perfect in certain aspects of the throwing and form, but I am pleased with the results so far and will use these as a visual critical reference, to my future jug throwing.

I take it all back

I take it all back all the things I said about ebay. Why? Because i have just sold my old wheel on the site and made a tiny profit. I’ve had this wheel for about one and a half years in which it has  enabled me to progress in my experimentation with clay. It was with this wheel that i was able to master the art of centering the clay . From this simple but important step I was able to venture into playing at being a potter; making my first attempts at the cylinder and the bowl. My new wheel which is a judson and Pudson wheel is on its way, paid in part by the sale of the old wheel! Although I have found at long last this new wheel l still have the dilemma of finding a place that I can use as my little potters studio. I need a little shed at the bottom of someones garden or an outhouse of some kind with electric of course. If you have this sort of place for my wheel, please leave me a message.